Sunday, January 26, 2020

Make Yourself Proud

Seeing growth within. Overcoming obstacles and hurdles, failures and dead-ends. Doing things that I never thought I would do. I think we owe it to ourselves to make ourselves proud. We spend our youth appeasing our mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandparents, name it.

But what about you? How many times did you accomplish something all because you wanted to make your parents proud? Most of us do it all the time even in adulthood. When is the last time you've made yourself proud? Or given yourself that self love we all deserve?

Today I faced my pride head on. I allowed myself to see "me" from someone else's view. I thought to myself, "Did I give it my all?" I put aside my insecurities and indifference's and chose my goals over my inner child.

Today I chose to rise to the occasion and eliminated fear from my being. Today I chose to face my unconscious fear square in the eyes. How often do we allow our pride to interfere with our divine path? We get so caught up in how it looks for us to try again or fail  that we forget about our purpose.

I've heard so many times, "each time you fail make sure you are taking something away from the experience." This saying is so valuable...take notes along the way. How many times have you failed at love? Did it stop you from living and breathing the next day?

It hurt like hell but you dusted yourself off and kept going, right? How many times have you failed a school exam? Or didn't land that perfect job you applied too? The reality is most of us have failed in almost every category I mentioned and we kept going.

Today I made myself proud.

           Sometimes we allow our negative thoughts to overpower our intentions. We can sabotage situations if we are not careful. I built the courage to reach out to a high end administrator with intentions on selling my idea to the organization.

I had a feeling of confusion, frustration and an inability to fully explain myself because of my preconceived notion of whom I was speaking. As a result, I didn't land the pitch how I planned. It left me feeling incomplete and upset on how poor I presented myself. I placed the next call and eloquently delivered the pitch of a lifetime and in that moment I realized something.

I allowed self doubt, fear and insecurity to seep in my previous attempt and it disrupted my purpose. I sat in my seat for a moment, debating on whether I should pick up that phone and try one more time.

As I battled myself I thought, "one or two things can happen, no answer or a second opportunity to shine bright like a diamond." I sucked it up and called, I immediately asked for a second chance to explain my purpose, what inspired my ideas, thoughts and my vision.

When the green light was given I had my notes and I took a deep breathe and let my soul speak. The response was promising and at the very least gave me hope that this person would actually look at my content and explore the possibilities of doing business with me. But if I allowed my pride to surface I could have potentially blocked my second chance of being heard.

The take away message is identify and overcome your weaknesses. Most importantly, PREPARE for what you've worked and prayed so hard for in this life. Never give up and do not allow fear or embarrassment to hinder what is meant for you.

After today I will no longer feel embarrassed because I made a human mistake. I will get up and continue to move in progress until I reach my destination to success. You should too.

Today I made myself proud.

Hope you enjoyed the read.

Danielle Williams
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